The module used for parsing and serializing data in JSON format

local JSON = require("json")

local JSONString = "{'json_parser': true}"
local data = JSON.parse(JSONString)


local testTable = {this_is_a_boolean = true, {1, 3, 4, 5, 6}};

print(JSON.stringify(testTable, true))
[boolean] json_parser   true
Dependencies: lextra
Writen in: lua
Dependants: [none]

The JSON module has two methods: parse and stringify. They do the opposite thing of each other

Arguments Returns Description
[string] str
[number]* start
[table] data
[number] position
Converts any valid JSON string into a Lua table. It is important to note that this funciton returns a table AND a number. This number is mostly used for parsing, and represents the last character the parser read.

* optional parameter, default = 0

Arguments Returns Description
[table] t
[boolean]* arrayCheck
[string] JSONString
Serializes any Lua table into JSON string. The second parameter (optional) will check if the Lua table can be represented as a JSON array. This is false by default, and can impact performance.

* optional parameter, default = false